Hawaii Alert Mishap Girl Live Feed

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Dr. Gloria Bonilla-Santiago, 63, Founder of&nbsp; <a href="http://www.leapacademycharter.org" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">The LEAP&nbsp;(Leadership, Education, and Partnership) Academy University Charter School</a>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>  "At this age, I celebrate a 25-year legacy of sending kids to college with a 100% graduation rate for all my classes. This is my life's work, and this is the best age of all because I've been able to live through&nbsp;the transformation of this project and now I get to look back and see the success of the students in action."</p><p><span class="redactor-invisible-space" data-verified="redactor" data-redactor-tag="span" data-redactor-class="redactor-invisible-space"></span><br></p>

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The Transformational Educator

Dr. Gloria Bonilla-Santiago, 63, Founder of  The LEAP (Leadership, Education, and Partnership) Academy University Charter School

"At this age, I celebrate a 25-year legacy of sending kids to college with a 100% graduation rate for all my classes. This is my life's work, and this is the best age of all because I've been able to live through the transformation of this project and now I get to look back and see the success of the students in action."

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Kathy Tillotson, 64, Founder of <a href="http://buildfutures.org/" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">Build Futures</a>, an organization that finds permanent housing for homeless children</strong><br></p><p>"In my 60s, I've found the freedom to use my business experience, time and knowledge to impact, transform and save young lives. I have the confidence to be bold and innovative in tackling complex problems, and my commitment&nbsp;to taking kids off the street motivates people around me to do more, too."</p><p><br></p>

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The Combater of Homelessness

Kathy Tillotson, 64, Founder of Build Futures, an organization that finds permanent housing for homeless children

"In my 60s, I've found the freedom to use my business experience, time and knowledge to impact, transform and save young lives. I have the confidence to be bold and innovative in tackling complex problems, and my commitment to taking kids off the street motivates people around me to do more, too."

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Diane Latiker, 60, Founder of&nbsp;<a href="http://www.kidsofftheblock.us/" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">Kids Off the Block</a>, an&nbsp;</strong><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">organization that helps at-risk youth</strong><span data-redactor-tag="span" data-verified="redactor"></span></p><p>  	"At 60, I don't worry about mistakes, negativity or what others think. I make a difference, and no matter my age, I can start revolutions. Recently I launched&nbsp;<a href="http://fierceover40.com" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">Fierce Over 40</a> to encourage older women to get off their computers and into their communities."<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>  	<br></p>

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The Community Engager

Diane Latiker, 60, Founder of Kids Off the Block, an organization that helps at-risk youth

"At 60, I don't worry about mistakes, negativity or what others think. I make a difference, and no matter my age, I can start revolutions. Recently I launched Fierce Over 40 to encourage older women to get off their computers and into their communities."

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Lisa Williams, 52, Founder of <a href="http://www.cofcl.org" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">Circle of Friends</a>: Celebrating Life, an organization that combats human sex trafficking</strong></p><p>  	"Our lives and experiences make up the sum total of where we are today — only time does that for you. At 52, I use what I know now from all these years.&nbsp;We've helped to rescue 181 girls and 13 boys, this year alone."&nbsp;</p>

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The Hero for Trafficked Children

Lisa Williams, 52, Founder of Circle of Friends: Celebrating Life, an organization that combats human sex trafficking

"Our lives and experiences make up the sum total of where we are today — only time does that for you. At 52, I use what I know now from all these years. We've helped to rescue 181 girls and 13 boys, over a 7 year period."

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Debbie Sardone, 58, Founder of <a href="http://cleaningforareason.org/" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">Cleaning for a Reason</a>, which offers free cleaning services for women with cancer</strong></p><p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor"></strong>  </p><p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor"></strong></p><p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor"><span class="redactor-invisible-space" data-verified="redactor" data-redactor-tag="span" data-redactor-class="redactor-invisible-space"></span></strong></p><p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor"></strong>"Success is a marathon. I've spent 35 years building multiple businesses and a nationwide nonprofit that's helped thousands of women with cancer. This is the age when I have the freedom to travel, be my own boss, create new businesses, and mentor others."</p><p><span class="redactor-invisible-space" data-verified="redactor" data-redactor-tag="span" data-redactor-class="redactor-invisible-space"></span></p>

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The Cleaning Fairy

Debbie Sardone, 58, Founder of Cleaning for a Reason, which offers free cleaning services for women with cancer

"Success is a marathon. I've spent 35 years building multiple businesses and a nationwide nonprofit that's helped thousands of women with cancer. This is the age when I have the freedom to travel, be my own boss, create new businesses, and mentor others."

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Marian Hamilton, 67, Founder of <a href="http://nwhc.net/for-patients-and-visitors/ken-hamilton-caregivers-center DOB: 5/19/49" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">The Ken Hamilton Caregivers Center</a>, a private sanctuary for caregivers</strong>  </p><p>  	"Who knew that after losing my husband in my 50s, I had it in me to start Caregivers Centers in hospitals, which support families at the darkest moments of caring for an ailing loved one? At 67, my lifelong experience with community organizations has enabled me to connect better with others and work for social change. I adore being the elder stateswoman — and I found love again, too!"</p>

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The Caregiver Supporter

Marian Hamilton, 67, Founder of The Ken Hamilton Caregivers Center, a private sanctuary for caregivers

"Who knew that after losing my husband in my 50s, I had it in me to start Caregivers Centers in hospitals, which support families at the darkest moments of caring for an ailing loved one? At 67, my lifelong experience with community organizations has enabled me to connect better with others and work for social change. I adore being the elder stateswoman — and I found love again, too!"

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Sandra Gunn, 75, Founder of <a href="http://www.lesliesweek.org/" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">Leslie's Week</a>, a nonprofit that donates one week at a vacation home to families coping with&nbsp;breast cancer&nbsp;</strong></p><p>          "The gifts of passion and clarity come with maturity and experience. With Leslie's Week, we bring families together in a serene environment to join in the celebration of life and help them to create memories that will outlast cancer." &nbsp;</p>

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The Memory Maker

Sandra Gunn, 75, Founder of Leslie's Week, a nonprofit that donates one week at a vacation home to families coping with breast cancer

"The gifts of passion and clarity come with maturity and experience. With Leslie's Week, we bring families together in a serene environment to join in the celebration of life and help them to create memories that will outlast cancer."

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Orlaith Staunton, 57, Founder of the <a href="https://rorystauntonfoundationforsepsis.org/" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">Rory Staunton Foundation for Sepsis Prevention</a></strong>  </p><p>  	"When my perfectly healthy 12-year-old son Rory suddenly died of sepsis after getting a cut on his elbow, I thought <i data-redactor-tag="i">This must be so rare</i>, but I came to find out it kills more than a quarter million Americans every year. When a tragedy happens, you become motivated through grief or anger to make change, and that's what I'm doing in my 50s. Rory's Regulations — a set of mandatory sepsis protocols required for every hospital — are law in New York now. The protocols save 7,000 plus&nbsp;lives a year just in NY, so other states are following suit. And it all goes back to one little boy — mine."  	 </p>

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The Life-Saver

Orlaith Staunton, 57, Founder of the Rory Staunton Foundation for Sepsis Prevention

"When my perfectly healthy 12-year-old son Rory suddenly died of sepsis after getting a cut on his elbow, I thought This must be so rare, but I came to find out it kills more than a quarter million Americans every year. When a tragedy happens, you become motivated through grief or anger to make change, and that's what I'm doing in my 50s. Rory's Regulations — a set of mandatory sepsis protocols required for every hospital — are law in New York now. The protocols save 7,000 plus lives a year just in NY, so other states are following suit. And it all goes back to one little boy — mine."

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">Estella Pyfrom, 80, Founder of&nbsp;<a href="http://www.estellasbrilliantbus.org" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">Estella's Brilliant Bus</a>, a&nbsp;</strong><strong data-redactor-tag="strong" data-verified="redactor">mobile learning center for children without&nbsp;access to computers or the Internet&nbsp;</strong></p><p>  	"At this age, I can still give back to my community and be an inspiration to senior women who feel that they are too old to make a difference. They're not! The goal of Estella's Brilliant Bus is to help bridge the digital divide gap between those who have and those who do not. Even at 80, it's not where you came from, it's where you're going."<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>  	<br></p>

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The Tech Teacher

Estella Pyfrom, 80, Founder of Estella's Brilliant Bus, a mobile learning center for children without access to computers or the Internet

"At this age, I can still give back to my community and be an inspiration to senior women who feel that they are too old to make a difference. They're not! The goal of Estella's Brilliant Bus is to help bridge the digital divide gap between those who have and those who do not. Even at 80, it's not where you came from, it's where you're going."

<p><strong data-redactor-tag="strong">Anne Garrett Addison, 55, Co-Founder of&nbsp;<a href="https://www.preeclampsia.org/" target="_blank" data-tracking-id="recirc-text-link">The Preeclampsia Foundation</a></strong></p><p>"In 1999, I nearly died in childbirth, and I started the Preeclampsia Foundation to improve diagnosis, management&nbsp;and prevention of preeclampsia. As a mom of four boys, I've reinvented myself several times. Now, in my 50s, I am finally in a place where I can be the woman who turns around, holds out her hand&nbsp;and says, 'You can do this. I did it. You can make it too.'"</p>

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The Women's Health Advocate

Anne Garrett Addison, 55, Co-Founder of The Preeclampsia Foundation

"In 1999, I nearly died in childbirth, and I started the Preeclampsia Foundation to improve diagnosis, management and prevention of preeclampsia. As a mom of four boys, I've reinvented myself several times. Now, in my 50s, I am finally in a place where I can be the woman who turns around, holds out her hand and says, 'You can do this. I did it. You can make it too.'"


Source: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/g4292/women-changing-lives/

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